The UCB Crew 

 The UCB rules because the plots and scenarios are insanely hilarious, but without great actors to pull it off, the show would be a total flop.  Luckily, all four cast members just plain rock! Here's a look at the folks who are the UCB:
Antoine:  Played by Ian Roberts, Antoine is the serious and solemn leader of the UCB.  Antoine's dedication to the spread of chaos has convinced him to forsake everything remotely resembling a life, prompting Adair to accuse him of being a cyborg.  Still, he likes to get out in the field and spread chaos the old fashioned way, by messing with peoples minds at a massage stand or carrying out top secret missions for the placement of the Bucket of Truth.  Ian Roberts also plays Little Donny's father, the corporate leader, and Steve Youngblood, extreme athlete extraordinaire.

Colby:  Played by Amy Poehler, Colby is one tough cookie.  She has one hell of a temper, and is not quite in touch with her feminine side.  Well, that's not true...she knows what she likes, and she happens to like nude photos of Carl Sagan.  Anyhow, she is the loud, cranky conscience of the UCB, always finding fault with team members and pushing them to spread chaos to unheard of thresholds.  Amy Poehler also plays a hyperactive Girl Scout, a crazy punk with a knife, and Ape Girl.

Trotter:  Trotter, played by Matt Walsh, is the team rogue.  A man of certain...tastes, he enjoys fine women, fine liquor, and fine mood enhancers.  Trotter often calls back to base needing a ride home after waking up on a satellite in high orbit, groggy and hung over.  Still, his skills at building and programming chaos-inducing cyborgs makes him an invaluable member of the team.  Matt Walsh plays all sorts of characters in addition to Trotter, including Little Donny's doctor, one of the Teamsters, and the guy who claims to be in Star Wars.

Adair:  A goofball along with Trotter, Adair, played by Matt Besser, is the teams overall technical whiz.  He prepared pyrotechnics for the UCB awareness presentation, and does general handy jobs as well.  Sometimes, however, his well-meant plans run afoul; his 'food torture films', video of bologna being dangled in front of chihuahuas, was a failure, but he generally serves a crucial role in the well-greased chaos-spreading machine that is the UCB.  Matt Besser plays a variety of other characters, including Little Donny, Bongboy, the Unabomber, and the Lady of the Lake (don't ask.)

Seth:  My favorite UCB member has to be Adair.  And favorite other character?  Bongboy!  Bongboy!  Bongboy!

Joe:  Trotter is the pimp!  Any man who can issue the line "Hey ladies, want to have sex while wearing jetpacks?  But we can't do it doggy-style or you'll set me on fire" is all right in my book.  As for favorite non-UCB character, that's a much tougher choice.  After long consideration, I have to pick Captain James P. Lunatic (loo-NAT-tic), the chronically depressed and angry cop, and the Captain Ahab to Bongboy's white whale.

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